小李子开通微博 网友刷表情包列队欢迎(图)

admin 2016-10-26 03:15:21 导读

导读 : 奥斯卡最佳男演员获得者莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥于10月8日开通新浪微博,粉丝们纷纷甩出表情包,热烈欢迎影帝入驻微博。...

  Fans of Oscar-winning actor Leonardo DiCaprio welcomed him warmly to China’s social media with memes after he opened an official Sina Weibo account.


小李子开通微博 网友刷表情包列队欢迎(图)

  DiCaprio, who enjoys a wide fan base in China, made his first Weibo post yesterday afternoon, and fans flooded to his account to welcome him.


  "I heard you opened a Weibo account and I rushed here to take a look. Do you now feel the fire-hot passion of your Chinese fans?" wrote Weibo user Bimuan.


  In just one night, DiCaprio’s first post was re-posted some 135,000 times, with roughly 147,000 comments and 500,000 likes.


  Aside from heartwarming messages, a large volume of pictorial memes of the actor were shared.


  China’s social media is no stranger to memes, or emoticons, of the Revenant actor. Some are made from pictures of DiCaprio’s attempts to hide his face from the paparazzi in odd and sometimes bizarre contortions of his body. Some mock his weight gain over the years, and others pay tribute to his handsome face. One of the most famous memes is a close-up shot of the actor’s watering eyes, as he reacted to yet-another failed attempt to win an Oscar for best actor for his role in Wolf of Wall Street.


  Some fans seem to enjoy the welcome gifts China is giving the actor.


  "Hahaha, how our Chinese fans welcome him is unique like no other," wrote Weibo user Liangshuitangsiren.

  名为 Liangshuitangsiren的新浪用户评论道:“哈哈哈,我们中国粉丝欢迎影帝的方式果然别具一格。”

  Others are cautioning Internet users to calm down a little before scaring the actor off.


  "If you guys don’t stop posting these things he may just run off!!!" wrote Weibo user Guoshuai.



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